Personal Gifts & Care Packages

Personal Gifts

Some of our friends and family have asked about personal gifts or care packages. Personal gifts for holidays, birthdays or other special occasions can be given to Tonya Upton, she can get personal checks into our account that we have access to here (this money does not go to through OM as ministry exspences in not tax deductable).

Our absolute favorite thing is getting us Amazon or ITunes gift cards.

This allows us to by movies, encouraging music, and Christian literature we do not have access to here! You can also send these to Tonya Upton at [] or just email of fackbook the giftcard code.


Care Packages

Care packages are also great blessings. Although we are not in the rain forest, there are some things we cannot get here that warm our hearts with feeling of home. It cost around $50.00 for a five pound package to Montenegro, there is also a medium sized box that is $60.00 for any thing you can stuff in there!


As the weather starts to get cripsy, these are some thing we would love for the 2015 Fall/Winter Season...

We would realy really love...

  • Small magnets with adhesive backing (Walmart)
  • Maple Syrup
  • Pumpkin Spice
  • Chia Tea bags
  • Hot Chocolate
  • 3 x 5 Index Card (lined or blank)
  • 5 T Boys winter clothes and Pjs

General Stuff we like...

  • Vanilla extract
  • Cool Ranch Doritos
  • Black Sharpies
  • Dry Erase Markers
  • Bath & Body Works anything :)
  • 3M Command Strips
  • G2 Black Pens
  • Childrens books

How to send letters or packages...

  • Write 'gift' on the side of the package please to alleviate customs pressure
  • It's better to tell us that something may be coming, postal service is very different here :)
  • Send it to...

Organizacija Milosti
 za McCourtney

Postanski FAH 22
Bar, Montenegro